The Small Matter of Sustainability: Matthew Oliver, Owner of Oliver Co.

‘The Small Matter of Sustainability’ interview series: 2 // Matthew Oliver. An Interview with Matt, the founder of Oliver Co. London. We speak about apple leather and how impactful small businesses can be in the transition to a more sustainable economy.

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Bring Back the Milkman: Could Corona Virus give us the nudge we need towards a Circular Economy?

20 years ago, you’d walk down the street and see shop signs decorated with names of local people as opposed to corporations. ‘Heseltine’s Butchers’ rather than ‘Tesco Express’; ‘Daisy’s Tea Rooms’ over ‘Starbucks’. It was a time when community meant more. Local people shopped at local stores and supported them because they were convenient……

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What is 'Direct Trade' Coffee and have we outgrown 'Fairtrade'?

For years now we’ve been so focused on whether the cup of coffee we’re drinking is ‘Fairtrade’ or not. Originally, the Fairtrade certification was set up to ensure a more fair wage for farmers, depending on them achieving certain environmental and social criteria. However, a common misconception is the promise of good quality coffee and just how ambitious the certification is.

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